Online scheduling for

your kind of business

booking, reminders, payments and more

About Us

Working with tech startups that strive to make a social impact

Aluce circle

No matter what
you do. foxmeet
has a  solution.

Automating the booking process removes the need for someone to manually take calls and coordinate schedules, saving time and reducing human error such as double bookings.

Instant appointment booking at any time eliminates the need for back-and-forth communication. This kind of self-service capability is usually preferred by customers in today’s digital world.

Works for every scheduling need

fox meet is designed to be as flexible as possible and fit every scheduling scenario

Set your availability or sync with an agenda

Define classes or events and fill them to capacity

Use for rental or let your customers make reservations

Your business, your rules

Adapt the system to how you do things instead of the other way around

Set cancellation policies & booking rules

Combine availability of people and resources in one schedule

Use waiting lists to maximize utilization

Customize the layout & forms

We’ll blend in with your current design like a chameleon

Adjust the look & feel to match your branding

Customize email or SMS confirmations & reminders

Ask information you need for a booking

Integrate payment options

Get the money thing out of the way so you can focus on the service you provide

Integrate payment via PayPal, Stripe or many other providers

Set advanced pricing rules, promotions and discounts

Use a credit system instead of payment per booking

"Our new website increased our users confidence in our new product and lead to high conversions."

Gavin Wilson  
CEO & Founder -  JAKA Labs

Give your startup the

Tools It Needs To Grow

Let’s chat to see if we’re a great fit! Book A 30-min Call

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AI-powered virtual assistants that help schedule meetings via email
Prioritize What Matters Let foxmeet Handle the Rest